Since I know not everyone knows Emilie's birth story, I wanted to write it out before I forget the details. I don't know about other people, but I LOVE reading birth stories. Emilie's was pretty uneventful, in the beginning...
Since this is a birth story, there may be parts that are little tmi, but bear with it.
Since 38 weeks I had started walking several times a day, bouncing on the yoga ball, eating labor cupcakes (just lemon cupcakes, but a good excuse to make cupcakes and eat all of them), and yes even doing the deed to get things rolling.
On Sunday, August 5th, I had my bloody show. I was excited because that usually indicates that labor will start sometime soon. I had a doctors appointment on the following Tuesday. My doctor only checks a patient's cervix twice, at 36 weeks and at 40 weeks. Since 36 weeks I was already 3 cm and 50 % effaced. I felt fine at my 39 week appointment and was measuring right on track. The doctor didn't seem worried about my light bleeding (bloody show). She did mention that she'd be on vacation in a couple weeks, so if Emilie didn't show then a different doctor would deliver her.
Wednesday, August 8th I had timeable Braxton Hicks contractions all day. I didn't worry as they weren't painful, but they were about 5-7 minutes apart. When Jared got home I told him what had been happening all day. He was sure something would happen soon and wanted me to call the doctor. I wanted to stay at home as long as possible instead of being stuck in a hospital room, laboring for hours, so I waited it out.

At 2:30 am August 9th, I woke up to a wet feeling. I used the bathroom, and discovered my water most likely broke as I was leaking fluid. There was no big gush like the movies, and I didn't have any cramping...yet. Because infection can eventually set in once the bag of waters has torn or broken, it's advised to go right to the hospital. Fortunately, because I knew I was already 3 cm, I could be admitted, since that is the hospital's criteria.
Jared and I got to the hospital, where it was really quiet. I had half expected to walk in to a bunch of screaming women when we got to the labor and delivery ward. I was checked and sure enough my bag of waters had torn and I was slowly leaking. I was 4 cm, so the Braxton Hicks the day before had done a little something. I felt lucky that my doctor was on call that morning, so she came to check me and see where we stood. Baby was down and the bag of waters was in front of her head, so the doctor would eventually have to totally break my water so Emilie could keep moving down.
I labored in triage for 4 hours and went from 4cm to 7cm. I had hoped to wait as long as possible before receiving the epidural. I mostly wanted to experience labor pains and see how far I could push my body. I had naively expected labor pains to be like bad menstrual pains. Instead I felt like my hips were being compressed and a knife was being driven into my abdomen, dramatic I know. My contractions were pretty sporadic though, coming anywhere from 2 minutes to 5 minutes apart.
Finally, at 7:30 am we were given a birthing room. I had wanted to take advantage of the whirlpool tub in our room and labor in there, but by the time I got my room I was so ready for an epidural. What a miracle modern medicine is! My body was able to relax and continue laboring, and I didn't feel the contractions.
By 1:30pm I started pushing. Because of the epidural, I had to be instructed when to push. Pushing was definitely the hardest part. It was exhausting and I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere. Toward the end the epidural had worn off in my right side and I could feel everything. Because Emilie had swallowed meconium (first stool) the NICU team was called in, in the case that she would be born not breathing. I was in such a daze of just trying to get through the contractions, pushing and feeling the burning sensation of Emilie's head coming down that I didn't realize my entire room was filled with doctors and nurses, just standing around, waiting.

I had the best coach in the world. Jared was the one who helped count while I pushed and was just a great presence in the delivery room. He let me squeeze his hand when I had contractions, and he soothed Emilie while the nurses cleaned her up. I was surprised how intrigued he was by the whole birthing process.
After 2 days in the hospital, we were so excited to take our new little addition home!
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