Emilie is smiling a lot more and I was even able to capture it on camera! See!----------------------------------->
Last weekend was rough as we had a sick girl, we all were kind of under the weather actually. Em was throwing up her food, was fussy and crying and just a hot mess. Poor girl. The doctor either thought it was a protein sensitivity or a stomach bug. After Em threw up the special formula we knew it wasn't a protein sensitivity, thank goodness, because I'm not sure what I would eat if I eliminated protein from my diet. After a couple days Em is a completely different baby. She is getting much better about sleeping and can fall asleep on her own now, which makes for a less cranky baby in the evening. She still only sleeps in her own bed for a couple hours, but that's better than none at all! She has been very content and back to eating well.
It's amazing how much more alert Emilie is now that she's able to see and be aware of her surroundings. She loves sitting in her swing in the sunroom and looking around. She also likes to cuddle and stare at mommy and daddy. Daddy is pretty funny to watch and listen to, but sometimes he's over-stimulating and Em becomes Madame Fussypants.
Emilie also likes to give herself hickeys. Weird. She sucks on her arm and has given herself two hickeys, which looked like bruises. She has also recently become more interested in her fingers and arms than a pacifier. She doesn't quite have control over her little fingers, so when she sticks them in her mouth she tends to gag herself and then look wide-eyed at me like I did it.

Next week is Emilie's big 2 month well baby visit with her doctor. I know she has finally reached the 10lb mark, but not sure about the length. She is still in newborn clothes, and wears some 0-3 month clothes, however the pants hang off her little waist. Dutch genes for this little one?
And to finish, here is a cute little video of Emilie refusing the paci from mommy, and she thinks it's pretty funny.
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