Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Emilie is 1 month old!

Emilie is already 1 month old! September is here and our little August baby is growing!

We have really gotten to know our little Emilie over the course of a month. But, we're still getting to know her and figure her out, as she explores her new environment.

Emilie is very opinionated. She does NOT appreciate being in a dirty diaper, even for a second. She SCREAMS when she's hungry. She will gladly gulp down a bottle or two, even if that means it comes back up 5 minutes later. She does not like sleeping alone, or sleeping in general and surprisingly dislikes the swing.

Emilie LOVES baths, watching her daddy, snuggling, eating, and going for walks and car rides. In fact, going for a walk, being outside, and car rides are sure fire ways of getting little Emilie to snooze. She also would much rather sleep snuggled next to mommy than sleep anywhere else.

One of Emilie's favorite things to do is to go to the bathroom DURING a diaper change. She must think it's funny to pee all over the changing pad and have projectile poop get all over mommy and daddy's hands!

Emilie's hair is also about an inch and a half already and she just keeps looking more and more like daddy! Even her personality traits are so similar to Jared's that I wonder if she got ANY of my genes!

Little Miss Emilie is still in newborn clothes and diapers, but has grown 4 inches since she was born, and possibly more since her doctor's visit. She has long fingers and toes, so maybe she'll take after the Dutch side!

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