February 9, 2013 was Emilie's half birthday! Six months already! She has taken a preference to social development as she has started talking, saying "ba ba," "da da," and other crazy baby sounds. She mimicks some noises, and gestures, and LOVES to talk, LOUDLY. She takes after her daddy I guess!
Puggy playtime |
Emilie is learning to sit up, but squirms so much that I think that'll take a while! She loves to eat and has worked up to eating two meals a day, and has tried 9 fruits and veggies: avocado, banana, pear, peach, apple, broccoli, sweet potato, and acorn squash, plus brown rice.
Monkey buddy |
She is sleeping through the night now, and I think eating solids plus a bottle right before bed has helped. She's a little easier to take out as she loves watching people and lights and doesn't scream anymore, hallelujah!
Emilie absolutely loves kids, and is lucky enough to get to play with several when she is being babysat. Her new friends are Elianna, Zachary, Vivienne, Kayla, Muriam, Allison, Chloe, and of course her cousins, Gabriel and Samuel. What a lucky girl!
Snow day snuggles! |
We've also had five snow days already! It's been such a blessing to be able to stay home and snuggle little Emmy. Although, snow days aren't very productive, as I don't like the idea of hauling Emilie around, and in and out of the car on gross, snowy, icy days. I love that when Emilie does go to school in a few years and has snow days, that I'll be able to stay home and not have to worry about where she'll go.

Emilie has also acquired many names: Emmy, Emmy-Lou-Who, Emmy-Lou, Emmy-Lemmy, LizzyBeth, Em, and Embaabe as affectionately named by her daycare friends.
We recently went to the doctor for Emilie's 6 month appointment and shots. She is 28 inches long, which is the 98th percentile, and 15 lbs 5 oz, which is the 30th percentile for her age group! She did really well with her shots, crying at two of them and quickly focusing on eating her shoe.
Since Emilie has gotten too big for her bouncy chair, which she used to fall asleep in at night, we have moved her to her crib to fall asleep on her own. We go through a bedtime routine: bath, bottle, book and bed. Jared's old phone plays music in her room. There was only one night where Emilie screamed on and off for an hour. I checked on her that night every 10 minutes and she'd laugh when I'd try to soothe her, and kick and scream when I turned my back. I had Jared go in and do the exact same thing: offer a bottle, read a story and put her to bed. She quickly realized that Jared and I are on the same team, and has been soothing herself to sleep at night on her own for a couple days! She definitely loves sleep and seems to need a lot of it to keep her little body moving all.the.time!
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