Friday, December 28, 2012

4 months and more

Oh boy, we are so behind! Miss Emilie is almost 5 months old and we've had our first Christmas as a family of three!!

Here's how it's been going recently:

Jared finished up his two classes at Davenport, and will return in January for Spring semester. He passed both his classes with 100%! He is LOVING his computer classes and all the new, fun stuff he gets to learn about and try!

I am loving my job, and am SO GRATEFUL that it's only part time. I don't know how I'd function at full time with this crazy kid! I teach high schoolers, and we even started a classroom economy behavior plan that has gone over really well! My co-teacher isn't coming back next year so I'm hopeful that I'll be full time next school year!

Emilie is growing in so many ways! He stats at her 4 month doctor appointment were:
Height: 25.6"
Weight: 13.6lbs

So, that's 95 percentile for height, and 25 percentile for weight.

She eats a lot, chews EVERYTHING, still wakes in the night to eat, and drools constantly. So! We decided to start solids. We introduced Emilie to avocados and bananas over Christmas break. She absolutely fell in love with bananas, but was horrified that we gave her the green, avocado moosh, so we mix in bananas to trick her!

Emilie is currently getting over her first major illness: ear infection. She also has a nasty cough and is all around miserable. So, our Christmas was a little different this year! Both Emilie and I were no fun as we were sick and just wanted to sleep all weekend! We're on the mend though, praying that Jared doesn't get it!

Emilie is also rolling over, puts weight on her legs and "stands", teething(we thought), growing LOTS of hair, becoming more coordinated with her hands, found her toes, giggles, and smiles all.the.time.

Overall, Emilie is a very happy, smiley baby, but can quickly go from 0 to 10 in no time. She still screams when over-tired or just angry. We've attempted to fix this by following a strict nap schedule: every 2hrs, it's worked wonders so far!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

3 months

Emilie has changed SO MUCH in a month! She is starting to fill out and look less newbornish. She is now:

  • blowing spit bubbles
  • attempting to use hand-eye coordination by playing on Daddy's phone
  • talking and gurgling
  • can grasp objects
  • tracks people and objects with her eyes
  • smiles when she sees someone or something she likes
  • eating more and sleeping a little longer
With these big developmental milestones also comes fussiness, changed appetite and different sleep patterns. Emilie has been having little meltdowns every night before bed. She has to squirm and scream before she finally drifts off to sleep. Fortunately it doesn't take her too long to fall asleep, but the screaming is a little un-nerving.

Emilie will officially be 3 months on November 9th, but since we don't have a doctor's appointment until she's 4 months, I'm not sure what her weight/height is. I think her height is probably the same, but weight is maybe up a couple pounds from last month. 

Emilie is finally able to wear all the cute 3 month clothes that have been hanging in the closet! She swims in them, but they fit her long body! She's also drooling a lot, and I was asked why I don't put bibs on her all the time; because I LOVE changing her outfits several times a day! :) She puts up with the outfit changes too!

We didn't really do anything for Halloween this year. Jared was at school, and with the fussy 12 week-ness we didn't have the time to hand out candy. Sadly, I didn't see any kids out in our neighborhood anyways. I think a lot of people must do indoor trick or treating at the mall. 

I can't wait to celebrate Christmas with a little one this year! Jared and I have decided that since our budget is tight, our "gifts" to each other will be to go shopping together and get Emilie all sorts of little goodies. I can't wait to see where Emilie will be developmentally in just another month!